Thursday, October 1, 2009

What will I do?

What will I do when Rick and Linda and Mimi move? Today I was sick, and I mean really really really sick. I could hardly take care of myself, let alone Rosalie. I was so lucky to have such an amazing and caring family so close by. Linda and Mimi came to my rescue and brought me crackers and gatorade and soup and took care of Rosalie for a couple of hours so that I wouldn't have to expend the little energy that I had. I just don't know how I could have managed without them. Sean had a really big test and was on campus almost the entire day. I am really going to miss them. It is just so sad to me. I have been very upset about this move since the beginning, and it is just getting worse and worse in my mind. I am going to miss them a lot, and so will Rosalie. Thanks Mimi and Linda!!!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Court:
I know you are at Sean's Missionary Reunion.... I am sure Sean is delighted to show off his girls.... I can't wait to hear how it went.
I am so glad that you are feeling better. You looked so worn out!
We will make new memories in the new place and enjoy a new way of feeling the same ol' family love and closeness. You LOVE the BEACH... so, I am certain that you will fall in love with San Clemente. Besides, MIMI will be only three hours away! I am hoping that you guys will see each other.
We love you and hope to see you this weekend.