Rosalie has been out of my belly for 9 months now, the same as she was in-ish. I can't believe how fast the time flies. She is feeling a little sick today, so I didn't subject her to my crazy mom photo shoot. I will do it tomorrow hopefully.
Some of her latest activities include:
-clapping her hands
-crab crawling
-cruising along furniture
-playing under my desk, her favorite spot before she figured out she can get anywhere she wants in the house
-giving hugs and kisses, she loves to snuggle with everything, the couch, the floor, my leg etc.
-pulling all of her toys out of the toy chest, or dolls out of the doll bag
-knocking over towers of blocks
-exploring everything
-dancing to any kind of music
-eating all sorts of new foods
She is so much fun, she still is not afraid of other people, she kind of got like that at around 5 months so maybe she won't be afraid anymore. She is very social and it is great, she loves new people and places. She is so funny when she crawls, I need to get it on the video camera, is just looks hilarious. She has not been sleeping well the last couple of weeks, and I thought it was teething, but still no tooth has appeared, who knows when that will happen.We have been so lucky to have her, I can't believe how fast time flies, she is getting so big!
1 comment:
Look at her go! hahahaha. I love her face of accomplishment. She makes faces that Sean use to make at that age! It warms my heart. I do see a lot of you in her too. Especially in the shape of her mouth and how she puckers her cute lips.
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