A few things she is up to lately:
-started taking a few steps by her party, and now she pretty much walks all over
-says several things, you just have to interpret them her favorites are uh-ho, oh no, no, and uh-huh
-she stacks her blocks and then knocks them down
-she plays pretty well independently
-she loves to throw balls, lately she picks one up that is as big as her and carries it around and laughs
-she loves to snuggle and rock any soft thing we hand to her
-she loves dogs, and yells dog whenever she sees one, while we were in Cali she knew Lucy was around and would yell dog really loud until she found Lucy
-she loves books, but not when we try to read them to her, she just likes to look at them on her own
-she tries to feed herself with a spoon or fork and gets annoyed when we try to feed her or cut up her food
-the list could go on, but my hands are getting carpel-tunnel so I will spare you
hope you enjoyed our little monsters birthday pictures
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