She can throw a real temper tantrum at times.
She is all over the place, wiggling like a little crazy person.
She hasn't quite figured out that she can mover herself yet, she still just uses her feet as a central position and moves in a circle using her arms.
Sometimes she moves backwards, but never very far, but she can get up on all fours every once and a while.
She also rolls all over the place, it is pretty funny.
She now says "baba" and "bama" and any combination of ba and ma.
She thinks that I am hilarious, which makes me feel pretty good.
She loves to smile and make her silly face with her tongue sticking out. S
he always wants to eat whatever we are eating and enjoys trying little bits of new foods. She especially loves crackers/biting biscuits.
She is always trying to look at what is on the ground to play with when we are holding her, but when we put her down she gets upset.
She goes to bed really easily when she does not have an ear infection, I can just put her down and she goes to sleep, after the routine of course.
She still wakes up once a night, but it is after going nine or ten hours after going to bed, if she would go to bed later it wouldn't really disturb my sleep, but since she goes to bed at 6:30 or 7 she wakes me up at around 4.
She loves her Auntie Aubrey, especially when we go out places with her.
She loves going out anywhere, and also watching other kids or babies.
We are just enjoying every little moment with this sweet, spunky little girl.
LOOOOOVEEE! these pictures of Rosalie; she looks so big! and grown up from the last time that we saw her. I cannot wait to hold her and play with her on the sand. I wonder what she will do? Bring her warm clothes! It is chilly. I can't wait for Saturday. We love you tons and miss you so much.
She is getting so big! I don't think she can get much cuter, but then every time you post new pictures, I see that she does! She seems like she is so fun! Oh, congrats on the prize, too!!
She is a doll! What a sweet prize! I never win either!
Hey, Macie likes both of those toys, they are both a little different, I got the thing you called a lion at ShopKo, it was on clearance for $20. Its actually a little Bus, its fisher price brand and it keeps her entertained because it came with Little people, don't know if you have heard of those (they are not actually little) and the seat lifts up so I will fill it with toys and she will just empty it! I push her around the living room on it. It is tall for her so she can not mount it or get off of it herself though. And Also the Push walker I think is a must have!! They are at Walmart for $20
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