Sunday, November 30, 2008

20 Weeks?

Well, we went in for our 20 week ultrasound on Wednesday and it was so fun once again to see our little girl, who is still a girl and not a boy that was hiding like some family members were hoping, haha. After taking the leg measurement the ultrasound tech started asking us our heights because the baby had little legs, then after she finished all her measurements she said they are all smaller than normal for 20 weeks and she changed my due date to April 28. Ten whole days later than my original due date. I think it is impossible. We must just be having a small baby, that would make me only 18 weeks now, and that just can't be. I was a little bit upset. Not because I will be pregnant longer, it is just that I am excited to meet her and that means I would have to wait even longer for that. Anyways, luckily I believe that baby will come when she is ready and will probably not be on any specific due date. I definitely have been feeling her move for the last two weeks and have a tiny belly which I don't think would have come any earlier because I haven't been gaining a ton of weight. I mean I was a tiny baby, so maybe I'm just having a tiny baby. Which in the end wouldn't a tiny baby make things much easier for me, I think so. At least we know that she is very healthy and everything is developing great, she is so cute so far in her little alien pictures. I will update with Thanksgiving feast pictures later.

1 comment:

casey.chelsea.cali said...

haha ... they totally do look like aliens at that stage. Isn't it so exciting feeling her move around?!?! I loved it. You need to post more pictures of your belly!