I have been a terrible and lazy blogger lately. I just have dreaded getting on here and posting for some reason. We have really really enjoyed it here so far. It was still a pretty warm month. Texas doesn't exactly have a Fall, but it was still cooler than the month of September, on some days.
We started off the month by going the the zoo, Rosalie was not sure what to think, but we still had a blast. She was not too into the petting zoo because she had spotted a slide right next to where we were and since she is obsessed with slides that is all she could think about.
The next day Sean started work. We dropped him off and Rosalie cried. She was not happy to leave Daddy behind. It was a slow first two couple of weeks, but things have picked up for Sean at work and he is really enjoying it now. He had the opportunity to go to a recruiting event at BYU and loved returning to Utah, even if it was only for a day.
Sean's first day of work also happened to be my birthday, so we celebrated by having Sushi and Angel food cake. I also got an amazing new phone and some sweet thoughtful gifts from Sean, diet coke, chocolate, and flowers.
While Sean was away we visited my parents in Austin and had a blast just hanging out with "Mama" and "Bapa" as Rosalie calls them. Rosalie also enjoyed chasing Elvis around the house and feeding him, as well as exploring the backyard. She loves to be outside, even if it is hot humid and yucky out.
There she is feeding Elvis his dog food like it is a treat.
Then we got a few good days of cool weather and enjoyed it by going to a "pumpkin patch" aka a Baptist church with pumpkins and bales of hay, haha. We just didn't feel like driving an hour out to the really nice pumpkin patch when we didn't really have the time after Sean got home from work. We still had fun though because Rosalie was so excited about all of the "pumpies," as she calls them. She kept picking them up and throwing them like a ball though, luckily no one got hurt. She is at a funny age now where it is almost impossible to get her to sit still or look at the camera, so I did my best. You can tell that is was a very windy day, look at Rosalie's crazy hair.
trying to sit on a pumpie
Next on our Adventure list was the ward Halloween Carnival. It was 90 degrees and 100% humidity that day, and they did not turn the AC on in the church. We were a little miserable, but we had the cutest little monster there. Rosalie had a blast seeing all of the kids dressed up, and running around the gym. She kept saying basketball because she saw the hoops in the gym. I again could not get her to hold still or look at the camera for a picture, so all of the pictures I have are of her running, but they are fitting considering she was Wonder Woman.
Rosalie had a blast, unfortunately we didn't get to stay for Trunk or Treat because it was getting late and it was so dang hot, but she didn't seem to mind.
Something Rosalie learned to love this month is climbing, she climbs on everything, the shelves to get her movie down, the high chair, the toys at church, on the table, everything. Here I caught her in the act.
Lastly we carved pumpkins on Halloween, and Rosalie painted a pumpkin. We totally had a blast!