Here are some of the things she is up to lately:
-crawling faster than ever and getting into absolutely everything
-she loves to pull things off of the shelves
-she loves to eat a lot, and loves trying new foods
-some favorites are: mac n cheese, strawberries, waffles, bananas, grapes, cantaloupe, cereal of all kinds, frozen yogurt, cafe rio pork but no other meats, and much much more
-she loves patticake
-she combs and brushes her hair, so cute
-she waves at everyone, but only if she wants to
-she snuggles with us and everything she thinks is soft
-she feeds her dolls bottles and snuggles them
-she dances, even when there is no music if she is really excited
-she is really close to saying "dog"
-she says mama and dada but not to call us over or anything, she is not verbal, but she knows what things are
-if I ask her where is the dog, duck, frog, etc she can point it out or give it to me
and lots of other things I just can't think of at the moment